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Chobots Rules.

No Sharing Bad Links !! - Guys , I know most of you have blogs to share , You can share them but don't put anything bad on them or share a different link other than cho-related.

Bad Language / Bad Words / Bad Manners!! - Some people might think its cool or funny to say bad language in real life , but not on Chobots ... There's a strict rule for no cussing . So everyone , no cussing please . Oh & also no bad manners , no bad comments , and no bad opinions ... 

No Dating !! - The real world is better than online dating ... okay? So just don't do it on Chobots .. You also never know who your dating . It can be weirdo .. -_-

Noooo Scamming !! - Scamming is kinda the worse .. Scamming is like stealing!! Don't ever scam on Chobots. You will hurt the other 'chobot's feelings. It isn't nice and you wouldn't be a good person..

Asking to be an agent / Moderator - Wow.. like really ? Who would actually ask to be an agent or a moderator .. you need to earn that on your own !! It may take a while , but you have to be patient (:

Kay I Hope EVERYONE follows these rules hahaha ;]